Peace in chaos
Noah’s world was in turmoil. The Bible tells us in Genesis 7:17-20 that the waters prevailed upon the earth, rising higher and higher, swallowing up everything in their path.
Who are you?
I was recently reminded of some of my first encounters in Africa and how refreshing and bold the introductions of many of the people I met were. Regardless of age, gender, education, or cultural expectations, when asked to introduce themselves, a person would state their name and then boldly declare, “I am a born-again Christian saved by the blood of Jesus.”
Mourning into dancing
For a brief moment, I forgot my own suffering and heartache. In that instant, I realized that my suffering was not wasted. I saw a glimpse of God’s grace in the midst of sorrow, a reminder that He is always with us, especially in our darkest hours.
Consider the wisteria. All winter long it’s dormant. But come spring, it thrives, climbing over and choking off the vegetation around it. The wisteria’s purple blossoms cascade beautifully over limbs, filling the air with their sweet fragrance. But don't be deceived by its beauty. This plant wraps its graceful tendrils around its support, completely taking control. In the same way, the desire to compete is subtle yet destructive.
As they sought rest, the multitudes followed. Jesus, moved with compassion, taught them many things and performed the miracle of feeding the 5,000. Despite the disciples' weariness, Jesus' compassion took precedence.
Strength in Scripture
Nothing supersedes Holy Scripture. There is only one way to gain and grow spiritually, and that is by immersing yourself in the Word of God.
Quality Time: Part 2
If your devices are becoming more and more demanding (that is their nature) and you’re finding your quiet time is disrupted and diminishing, it may be time to tell the world to SHUT UP and humbly ask the Lord to SPEAK UP. Remember, just because you cannot hear His voice, it doesn’t mean He’s keeping secrets from you.
Quality Time: Part 1
Are there some situations in my life that are stormy and chaotic? I confess I feel threatened and unsure. Distractions and demands whisper doubts and fears. I’m straining to see Jesus in the middle of this unsettled place.
Pass the burden
Wouldn't you like to declare, “Gone are the days of dragging, pushing, lugging, and heaving my burdensome problems”?
How does your garden grow?
Sin may start small and occasional, but it grows bold and multiplies. Think of criticism, complaining, begrudging, resentment, worry, lying, deception, gossip (to name a few) and how they all grow and threaten to take over the thoughts and intents of your heart.
Sojourning souls
Beware the traps of the enemy, seeking to ensnare us with worldly desires. He wants to trap you here in this temporary place. This life is not permanent. It’s transitioning you.
Genuine influence
In a culture where instant glory and overnight success splash across social media, it’s easy to forget the power of investing in people, honoring relationships, and serving others along the way.
One thing is needed
This scene is familiar. We can all see ourselves in this situation. Martha is in charge. She’s the hostess, bearing the responsibility for presenting a welcoming atmosphere for Jesus. He is a personal friend of her family, and she is honored that He is in her home. Everyone wants to meet Jesus; they want to be associated and acquainted with Him. Mary is sitting at His feet, listening to His words.
Knowing your cause
Almost everyone is familiar with the names David and Goliath. People often use the story of David and Goliath as an illustration or motivation to turn obstacles into advantages. They represent opposing sides that are vastly unequal—the smaller and weaker taking the victory.
Get going
Your past highs and lows are part of your faith journey, and while you may be sitting in pain and suffering loss, Jesus is reminding you today that He is going before you. Would you believe Jesus knows exactly where to meet you and trust that He is waiting for you to come and join Him?
Resurrection Life
May I just say to the person who has been unjustly accused or found themselves deserted by your friends, you are not misunderstood by Jesus. If you have suffered public humiliation or been lied about, you have compassion and empathy from Jesus.
Good Friday
His love held Peter through the darkness of betrayal, denial, and the tears of disappointment and shame. The look of love and the words of life echoed repeatedly in Peter’s mind and heart during those dark and difficult days.
I hear a rooster crowing
They were close enough in proximity to clearly communicate the message in a look—the intimate exchange between two people that says volumes without a word. Jesus turned and looked at Peter and unconditional love and grace beyond comprehension poured out.
Lingering, lagging, lying
I misjudged the power of my own strength and the sincerity of my determination. There was a lot going on and I was distracted. Before I realized it, I was carried away by circumstances that led me to some rash and regrettable decisions. It all happened so fast!
Listening and Leaning
Jesus knows me better than I know myself. There are two sides to that truth. It’s affirming to be known while at the same time scary to be exposed. When I consider the Lord discerns the thoughts and intents of my heart, I pause, and I pray.