Quality Time: Part 1
I was asked recently if I had any tips for spending time in the Word during a busy season. You might’ve seen this in my recent Q&A if you follow me on social media. The simple answer is you don't have time not to be in the Word. I’ve been reflecting on this, and I have a practical follow-up I want to share with you.
Discipline your body and mind to be still and get quiet. Wait in His presence.
Pray for an open mind and an understanding heart. Ask God to speak personally to you. Thank Him that you are in a time and place where you can read a Bible.
Read to hear God’s voice. It is revelation, not just information. If a word, phrase, number, name, or place is highlighted in your awareness, write it down.
Pray for greater clarity. Check cross-references, research the root word, and keep a list of words or themes that seem to recur in your reading. Train your spiritual ears.
Today I read a familiar passage, but because the Word is alive, it spoke in a unique way to a personal situation in my life right now. I’m so thankful for this.
"And the boat was already a considerable distance from land, buffeted by the waves because the wind was against it. Shortly before dawn Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake. When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. 'It’s a ghost,' they said, and cried out in fear." Matthew 14:24-26 (NIV)
This is how I believe the Holy Spirit spoke to me through this passage today:
Are there some situations in my life that are stormy and chaotic? I confess I feel threatened and unsure. Distractions and demands whisper doubts and fears. I’m straining to see Jesus in the middle of this unsettled place.
Time spent in the Word is when I am trained to hear His voice above the pull of the world around me.
Being in His presence allows His Spirit to teach me to trust when I cannot see clearly and to believe He is attentive and alert to my cries.