Get going

Grief and sorrow make reality hard to absorb. The shock and unpredictability of circumstances send us reeling and catapult us on a spiritual and emotional roller coaster ride. Surely, the traumatic experiences of the final three days of Jesus’ life and death were no exception for his closest followers. Locked in hiding for fear of discovery by the religious leaders and mourning their personal loss, a leaderless and defeated group huddled in darkness.

Words of hope and light for the future burst through with Mary Magdalene’s personal message:  “But go, tell his disciples and Peter, ‘He is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him, just as he told you.’” Mark 16:7 (NIV)

Jesus sends you personal words of light and life to fill your darkness and despair.

You may be filled with questions and doubts and find yourself wondering, “Where is He?” Jesus knows exactly where you are and what you are going through. Neither Peter’s past declarations of devotion nor his denial disqualifies him from receiving clarity and direction.

The goodness and mercy of God is continually following those who love Him. 

Your past highs and lows are part of your faith journey, and while you may be sitting in pain and suffering loss, Jesus is reminding you today that He is going before you. Would you believe Jesus knows exactly where to meet you and trust that He is waiting for you to come and join Him?

Thank you, Jesus, that today I choose to get up and move toward your presence and trust that I will see You move in mighty and miraculous ways in my life. I believe You are who You say You are, The Resurrection, and You do what You say You will do, Give LIFE! 


Knowing your cause


Resurrection Life