What we can’t explain

Your home can be the hardest place of all to minister, to sew, and to be used. In Mark 6 we see Jesus returning to His hometown and the reaction He receives from the people there. 

The Bible tells us the responses to Jesus’s teachings were: 


“Where did He get these ideas?” 

“What wisdom is this which is given to Him?” 

“Mighty works are performed by His hands!” 

They couldn’t deny the evidence of His power—because they thought they knew Him, because they were not expecting this display of power or authority from the one they knew, because He was not what/who they recognized or accepted. 

“‘Isn’t this the carpenter? Isn’t this Mary’s son and the brother of James, Joseph, Judas and Simon? Aren’t his sisters here with us?’ And they took offense at him.” Mark 6:3 (NIV) 

Because they knew all about Him, they rejected Him. What they couldn’t explain, they denied. The same is often true for us.

However, Jesus cannot be explained; He is to be believed. 

Are you offended because Jesus is not who you thought He was? Or because you didn’t expect Jesus to work like “this” in your life? 

Be very humble about what you know about Him.

He’s more than you can imagine.


What moving forward with Rooted & Radiant has taught me


Fishers of men