Too much
Where do you find courage and strength when the task is too much and the assignment is greater than your ability? We’ve all been there, and experience tells me we will find ourselves in unfamiliar and under-qualified places in our lives time and time again. If you are currently experiencing the pain of change and the uncertainty of what to do now and how to move ahead, I am inviting you to sit with me in the atmosphere of the living Word of God and allow His voice to speak into our personal places of uncertainty.
Dear Father,
Since you know me better than I know myself, I may as well admit I’m fearful and have so many doubts. I feel very vulnerable and exposed. I am overloaded and under-equipped. I have followed you, prayed to you, and believed your word. I’m floundering because things are not how I thought they would be and are so much more painful than I imagined. I admit grief and disappointment are about to crush me. Help me, please.
“Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28, ESV)
Jesus wants us to know we are seen and our labor is valued and appreciated by Him.
He also understands the drain and strain our labor is extracting from us. We were not created with the capacity to bear the burdens and weights of this world. No matter how competent and capable you are, there are times and places in life when you will not know where to turn or what to do. Listen to His personal invitation…“Come to Me.”
Jesus offers supernatural triage in the midst of uncertainty and peace in the turmoil of threatening circumstances. His presence is the place of rest. His rest is the atmosphere where His wisdom and discernment are released to direct our thoughts and His revelation knowledge is revealed. His rest restores and invigorates our spiritual root system so faith will begin to freely flow through us.
Like Jesus’ disciples, we have no idea what the journey will look like, but we have these beautiful words of clear and certain direction, “Come unto Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, I will give you rest.” No matter what you are carrying today, the offer remains to find support and a secure and safe place to come aside for the rest your soul cries for.
Moses found himself overwhelmed with the responsibility and the demands of leading constant complaining and stubborn people. But when Moses separated from the noise and distraction of the circumstances and deliberately met with God, the Bible says, “the Lord spoke with Moses face to face as a man speaks to his friend” (Exodus 33:11). As Moses poured his heart out to God for direction, the assurance came, “My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest” (Exodus 33:14).
God does not change. Today He is waiting for you. May I encourage you to step away from the noise and distraction, put straining and striving aside, lay down your plans, expectations, and dreams before Him. Wait with Him and allow Him to minister His rest over you and in you.