I had the privilege of sharing a day with a group of women who mentor co-workers in their workplace. As professional women, the demands for their time and attention are tremendous. But their desire to grow in Christ’s likeness and to live by their faith in every area of influence is a priority. They are seeking to encourage, build-up, strengthen, challenge and hold one another accountable through their study of the Word, prayer, and relationships with each other.
The invitation to join this group was an honor. I was humbled by the time and energy they invested to make it a very special day. In an effort to meet them where they are, I asked them to submit questions on topics they would like to discuss. They are not very different from many of us. The questions they are asking are the ones almost all of us wrestle with. My time in preparation was such a blessing to me I wanted to share some of our thoughts with you.
Instead of defining purpose as this great moment when you step into the spotlight or everything comes together in glorious perfection, take some time to pray and listen to God speak personally to you. Purpose is not realized by achieving career goals or personal plans for fulfillment and accomplishment.
Remember, the LIFE you are living today is the appointed place God has given you. Your life does not get in the way of your purpose, your purpose is found in allowing God to use you in this place. It may not be what you imagined or dreamed about. It may not look the way you thought it would look, but wherever you are, God has a purpose for you.
A good example of this is found in the book of Genesis in the life of Joseph. He knew his God-given purpose was for leadership and influence. He was discerning enough to understand the dreams God gave him as a young man were insights into the call of God on his life. There were many places of preparation along the way that appeared to have derailed his purpose. His preparation took place in pits, palaces, and prison. “ But God was with Joseph,” is the oft-repeated phrase and ultimately Joseph emerged into his place of purpose prepared to lead Egypt through a national famine crisis. Egypt became the source and supply for survival to Joseph’s family when they came from Canaan to purchase food. (READ Genesis 37-50)
If you read this “real-life” story, you will also be reminded your God-given purpose will always be life-giving to others and glorifying to Him.
Today’s activities may not appear important or influential. But today is a part of the preparation God has ordained for you. Young mothers often wonder if diapers, and endless loads of laundry, and constant messes is their purpose. They get discouraged in the mundane and menial. But these are training tools God is using to equip you to have influence in the lives of those entrusted to you. The same is true in your office or classroom. As we yield to the training, no matter where or who or what, God is preparing us for next.
Your purpose as a believer in Jesus Christ is to be a vessel of light and hope wherever you are. As you prepare to begin another week, will you take some time to rethink how you see the place you are in today? Your life is not getting in the way of your purpose. Your purpose is to be faithful with the responsibilities and opportunities God gives you today.
“Well done… because you have been faithful with a few things, I will put you in charge of many things.” (Matthew 25:23)
As you can see this one question created an opportunity for a lot of discussions. Maybe you are feeling a little discouraged or frustrated by what feels like delay or even derailment. As our lives and seasons change it is tempting to believe we no longer have or know what our purpose is. Some have been stuck in the same place for so long they wonder if this is all there is. I want to challenge and encourage you.
Every single one of you has a great purpose, eternal purpose in the kingdom of God. His glorious name is revealed to the world through you!