Preparing My Heart For Christmas
It seems impossible Christmas is in less than a week. Another season of preparations and expectations is about to reach its climax. You know the question, “Are you ready?” It helps gauge if it’s time to panic or pretend we have it all together. It’s time to cross things off the list at warp speed and tie it all together. The goal is to let go of the preparations and enjoy the people in your life. Sometimes it is accomplished and sometimes not.
Often while reading the Bible and praying, the Lord will give me a word or a phrase that seems to stick in my spirit. It is as if He is inviting me to linger there and allow Him to speak personally to me. Recently, while reading Luke 1 & 2 and there were several words that stuck. I want to share them with you.
My prayer is for these words to encourage you to prepare your heart during this last busy and hectic week before we “make haste to find Mary, Joseph, and the Babe lying in the manger.” (Luke 2 :16)
Monday: (Read Luke 1:26-30)
“Rejoice, highly favored one, … you have found favor with God.” - These were the words first spoken to Mary by the angel Gabriel. I was reminded how often the word “favor” is casually used in Christian lingo. It is most referenced when something extraordinarily good happens or we find ourselves in an advantageous position. We feel favored when our circumstances are comfortable. Reading and meditating on Mary’s circumstances reminded me our feelings are false indicators of God’s favor.
Like Mary, you may find yourself in an unplanned and unpredictable situation. You may be surprised by the turn of events and yes, even scared of the unknown that lies ahead. I believe the Lord wants you to hear his message: you have his favor. The loyal love of God is turned toward you because you are made in His image and He delights in his creation. If you will wait in His presence and receive His words of affirmation, He will continue to reveal His good and perfect plans for your life.
Mary is one of countless examples of people God spoke to and used to accomplish His purposes and yet their lives were filled with times and seasons of struggle and difficulty. Psalms 139:34 gives us a key to being confident in God’s favor regardless of our circumstances.
“God gives favor to the humble and honors the lowly in spirit.”
As we read more details surrounding Mary, we will see her humble instead of haughty heart positions her for eternal honor in the sight of God.
Today as you meditate on FAVOR:
Remind yourself you are favored by God, not because of your behavior or religion, not because you are important or impressive. His children have His favor.
“But as many as received Him to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name: who were born not of blood or the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.” John 1:12-13 (NKJV)
Today I will remember and rejoice because of the gift of Jesus Christ I am blessed and highly favored. Thank you for sending Him to me. Amen.
Tuesday: (Read Luke 1:31 - 38)
Mary’s question, “How can this be, since I do not know a man?” is not asked from a rebellious or resentful place but rather from a meek and teachable heart. The attitude of your heart makes all the difference when we question what God is doing in our lives. Remember Jonah? He wasn’t about to hear or heed God’s plan to go preach to Nineveh. God still used him (because God’s favor was on him) but there is no misery like self-inflicted misery!
The angel answered and said to her, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you; therefore, also that Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God.” Luke 1:35 (NKJV)
Her humble and lowly spirit perceives this is an undeserved display of God’s favor toward her. Remember we know the whole story, we know what is ahead for her. She knows nothing beyond the present message. Her reply, “let it be to me according to your word.” Luke 1:38 (ESV)
My word for today is YIELD.
At that very moment, Mary made the decision to give God the right to have His way with her life. She yielded herself to Him and she was filled physically and spiritually with the life of Jesus. He fills yielded lives with His presence.
Have you yielded your life to Jesus?
Are you willing to give Him the right to have His way in and through you?
Will you yield your present circumstances and the unknowns in your future and pray now,
“Lord, Let it be to me according to your word.”
God’s favor and blessing are built on a yielded heart.
Wednesday: Read (Luke 1:39-45)
When waiting for God’s plans to unfold in your life I have found He often uses others to confirm and clarify what I feel He has spoken. You may never know how your words can be used to help direct others' steps or simply pour an extra measure of courage into them in this season of waiting. God did this for Mary through her cousin Elizabeth. Stepping forward with the information she had, Mary receives clarity and confirmation as Elizabeth responds to her presence with affirmation. It’s a powerful story of the Holy Spirit’s filling and speaking the truth of God through His people.
To Mary: “Blessed is she who believed for there will be a fulfillment of those things which were told her from the Lord.” Luke 1:45 (NKJV)
The word for today (and honestly the word for everyday): BELIEVE the word of God to you.
Know it. Listen to it. Ask questions about it. Obey it. Stand on it. Pray it. Keep believing His word and He will give deeper and greater insights and revelation knowledge.You will become more bold and confident in Him because His word stands forever. He is the enduring and everlasting word. His word will not return void.
“Every word of God proves true; He is a shield to those who take refuge in Him.” Proverbs 30:5 (ESV)
Thursday: Read (Luke 2:46-56)
A humble and lowly spirit gives God room to cultivate and nurture deep spiritual roots. The growing season often takes place in the dark and can be isolating and lonely. It doesn’t seem like Mary was surrounded with a thriving community of encouragers but she had the word of God and a mature mentor speaking into her life. Remember you have the word of God and He speaks through spirit filled and faithful believers. God is doing deep work for me.
One way you will know you are growing in your spirit, is when you hear yourself singing new songs. They may start out a low and halting hum but they will become songs of praise and rejoicing over the goodness of God to you. You will not tire of the joy of your salvation and His promises will grow more and more precious to you. He is always writing new songs in your life but there are some consistent themes.
Mary sang a beautiful song in the midst of her lonely and unusual circumstances. One line spoke deeply to my spirit as I sat with the flood of memories and counted the blessings and losses this season always brings to my heart.
“For He who is mighty has done great things for me.” Luke 1:49 (NKJV)
Do you need to ask God to help you write a new song in your heart today?
As you consider His favor toward you, yield your circumstances and all the future holds, believe his word to you, I want to add this, He is FOR you.
The hard things and the disappointments are not done to you. They are all used for good in our lives.
“What shall we say to these things, if God is for us, who can be against us?” Romans 8:31 (NKJV)
Friday: Read (Luke 2:1-5)
These words are so familiar in my Christian, church experience they can almost lull me into a false sense of calm and serenity. If I’m not careful I only see this scene through the lens of a pageant or play. But since I know God uses real people with the same feelings and emotions as you and I have, I don’t think it was the scene of my imagination.
Decrees from the Roman government for all to be counted were for the purposes of greater taxation. Put yourself in Joseph’s sandals for a minute— a Jew under the oppressive Roman empire, young, poor, betrothed but not married to a pregnant young woman. A man walking by faith in the word of God telling him, “do not be afraid to take Mary to you as wife, that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit.”
Trusting God does not negate the trials of the journey.
Don’t miss the humility, the questions, the burden this young man is carrying. If you are married to someone who is walking out faith at great personal price, may I encourage you to remember the cost he/she is paying to follow Jesus and to support and care for you. Joseph’s role in the drama is overlooked by most of us, but his yielded heart allowed him to be used in the prophetic promise. Joseph’s lineage took them to God’s appointed place for His Son to be born to fulfill His everlasting word.
“Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judea, to the City of David, which is called Bethlhem, because he was of the house and lineage of David.” Luke 2:4 (NKJV)
Your place is not random. Your part is not random. You are a part of God’s eternal plan to bring salvation to the ends of the earth. Wherever you go and whatever the conditions, you can be certain God is working and moving in and through you to accomplish His plans and purposes.
Your position may be obscure, your circumstances may seem unfair, but remember “For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.” 2 Chronicles 16:9 (NIV)
I love those words. God is looking for you. He desires to strengthen you on your journey. Be sure to always pack full commitment so you can move toward the appointed place with assurance that God is leading you.
Saturday: Christmas Eve (Luke 2:6-7)
Today always holds so many details, so much activity and anticipation, and so many memories. Mary must have felt the stress and strain of it all on that night. Streets overrun with resentful and disgruntled people. Weary and worried travelers crowding every nook and cranny. No room, no family, nothing familiar as she settled into a dark, dank cave or stable as her lodging place. Comfortable circumstances or an advantageous position were far from her reality. Did she wonder if this is what it really looks like to be blessed and highly favored? Does the favor of God really drop you off far from home and comfort and the love of your family and friends?
If you are far from familiar and comfortable circumstances today, and memories are threatening to devour you, may I remind you, in the mundane and murky places, “the days were completed for her to be delivered.” Luke 2:6 (NKJV)
God’s hand is on the timing of all things. He knows the end from the beginning and every place in between. While you wait, invite Him into the waiting room with you. Instead of pacing and wring your hands, bow your head and your heart and reach your hand toward His.
No matter how dark or dank your surroundings are, no matter how chaotic and unsettled you may feel, remember, He always completes what he starts.
“Being confident in this very thing, that He who began the good work in you will complete it until the day of Christ Jesus.” Philippians 1:6 (NKJV)
Today I’m going to sit in the knowledge that God is working to complete what He started in me.
In my individual and unique life there is nothing He has purposed for me that will be left unfinished. I don’t have perfect clarity on what that means or what it looks like, but these are the gifts I hold as I wait and wonder…
I am favored as His child. I have yielded my heart and I yield this day and this time to Him. I believe His word to me when I understand it and when I don’t. I release the right to know the reason I am here, now, and rejoice that God is for me. I’m committed to following Him through darkness and under difficulty. His workmanship is good and His hand is completing me.
I pray your heart is filled with renewed faith. As you anticipate the most miraculous birth annoucement ever proclaimed, I pray your spirit is prepared to welcome Christ the King!
Sunday: Luke 2:7
He is here! The joy, the relief, the wonder and awe of new life is thrilling. This life is everything and He was born for me and you.
“For unto us a Child is born,
Unto us a Son is given;
And the government will be upon His shoulder
And He will be called
Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”
Isaiah 9:6 (NKJV)
Peering into His face, I see His deep and abiding love for me. I know He came to die so I could live. He came to set me free from all that binds me to this broken life. Today I rejoice in God my Savior. Today I welcome fresh and new the reality of Immanuel, God is with me.