Joining a group
Over the years, I have experienced many different groups in many different settings. Different times and seasons in our lives call for spiritual growth to take place in a variety of ways. I have been encouraged and strengthened in my spiritual growth in large groups and at other times the one-to-one has been the most profitable. God’s Word encourages us to gather, share, pray for one another, encourage and spur each other on in faith.
Being part of a group, large or small, is a privilege and also a responsibility.
Have you ever stopped to consider that your commitment and earnest participation sets an example for the rest of the members and your presence is either strengthening the group or making it weaker?
Being an asset to a group doesn’t mean you have to know all the answers, (no one does), talk all the time, (please don’t!) or pray out loud. Assets show up with a sincere heart and a teachable spirit. As you think and pray about joining a group, maybe the following questions will be helpful in discerning if this is the time and the place for you.
These are not right/wrong but meant to serve as indicators for you as you pray and listen.
Do I desire:
Network or Fellowship? Am I more interested in who is there than I am knowing others who make spiritual growth a priority?
Obligation or Genuine Desire? I don’t want to offend the person who invited me. But that doesn’t mean I really want to be here.
Information or Transformation? The topic or teacher is my first criteria. I have to like both.
Get or Give? I need people to talk to about my problems and pray. I have a lot of questions and doubts about spiritual life. I’m having a hard time.
Show What You Know or Grow? Being comfortable with the material and feeling confident in the setting is most important to me.
Be Busy or Bear Fruit? Busyness helps me feel productive and gives me a sense of purpose.
Here is a little personal story to encourage you. I gave my life fully and completely to follow Jesus because I was invited to a group. I was young, lonely, insecure, and thrilled to be included. The material was familiar because I went to church my whole life and believed in God. But at this point in my life, the Word of God was strangely alive and spoke personally to me. My motives for going were self seeking, but I met the One who was seeking me!
God is bigger than our motives and more gracious than we can ever imagine.
These suggestions are practical ways to encourage you to carefully consider the places you choose to be planted to grow up in Christ.