The secret place

"Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, ‘He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.’" Psalm 91:1-2 (NIV)

Life lived in the secret place of the Most High is assured and divine protection. Psalm 91 has long served as a source of comfort and confidence when God’s men and women face perilous danger. Most often, this psalm of David is prayed over physical places under siege—during war, in battles, in sickrooms, and in uncertain and threatening times.

Abiding under the shadow is a place of blessed relief. If the shadow of Almighty God is covering me, I am safe and secure.

But here is a question for us to consider: Who chooses to stay in a secret place? I want to know where it is. I want to have access to it when I need it. But dwelling there—in secret? Am I honestly willing to live in someone’s shadow? To remain always underneath, in a smaller way? Or do I like to step out of His shadow and have all the light and attention on me?

Think of the secret place as more than just physical protection. The secret place is a place of genuine spiritual dwelling and abiding. It is the heart of one who loves God and His presence more than they love activity and attention.

Is your spiritual strength spent entirely on public posts and platforms before people? Are you more interested in displaying your spirituality than dwelling in the secret place? Is your public persona your private posture?

It makes me wonder: how much of my life is genuinely spent in secret—just me and Jesus? The hidden part of my relationship with Him determines and reveals the depth of my dwelling and the truth of my abiding.

Spiritual strength and enduring faith are built in secret—you and the Holy Spirit—listening, learning, and leaning against Jesus’ heart.

Doing will not outlast dwelling. Activity is not a substitute for abiding.

Dwell. And when He sends you out, your doing will be empowered by the Spirit of God.

Abide. And the activity you are engaged in will have the anointing of the Almighty.

Think about what the secret place of the Most High is like in your life—quiet, simple, serene, uncluttered, restful, beautiful, a sanctuary, welcoming, sweet, tender, encouraging?

What engages you in abiding worship—listening, His presence, His Word, prayer?

Thank you, Jesus, for leaving the secret place to come for me. Thank you for showing me that the way, the truth, and life are at their most abundant when I make my dwelling in the secret place, in the shadow.


BE MINE: Love, Jesus

