
Lord, What Do You Want From Me?

I find myself asking this question often. Lord, what do You truly desire? I work, I strive, I pour myself into doing things that seem right, checking all the boxes of outward faithfulness. But if I’m honest, I sometimes wonder if I’ve missed the heart of it all.

Because at the end of the day, You don’t just want my effort—you want me. You want my heart, fully surrendered in adoration, not just in activity. You want love, not obligation. Devotion, not just duty.

"He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.’” Micah 6:8 (NIV)

The truth is, You have already shown me what is good. I don’t have to wonder what You require. It’s not a mystery, not something I have to figure out through striving or guesswork. Your Word makes it clear:

  • To do justice—to actively seek what is right in Your eyes

  • To love mercy

  • To walk humbly with You

Lord, forgive me when I make things complicated. When I act as though Your love is something I have to earn rather than something You have freely given. When I focus more on doing than on being—being still in Your presence, being obedient to Your voice, being willing to love as You love. You are not impressed by my checklists. You are not moved by my striving.

You desire my heart, fully yielded, fully surrendered.

So today, I let go of my need to prove myself. I choose to do what is right, to love mercy, and to humbly walk wherever You lead me. May my life be more than just religious routine. May it be a reflection of Your heart.




BE MINE: Love, Jesus